Trump Rolls Back DAPA Protections for Undocumented Parents

Trump Rolls Back DAPA Protections for Undocumented Parents.

On June 16, 2017, Department of Homeland Security, Secretary John Kelly, ended an Obama-era program that sought to pave a pathway to citizenship for the parents of lawful permanent residents. The program is called Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents or DAPA.

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Dapa previously had come under fire from 26 Republican-governed states who claimed President Obama was overstepping his bounds by granting federal amnesty to DAPA recipients.  The governors of these states filed a suit that made its way all the way to the Supreme Court which ruled with a split decision. This decision meant that no changes were made to the previous stay in the order, leaving the DAPA program powerless.

DAPA could have potentially saved 3.7 million undocumented immigrants from deportation. However, the original program did not exist without its own controversy. Certain immigrant’s rights groups argued that the program did not extend enough protections to the most disenfranchised immigrants. President Obama’s plan for DAPA had requirements that its recipients have no criminal record and a child who had since become a lawful permanent resident before November, 2014.


2 thoughts on “Trump Rolls Back DAPA Protections for Undocumented Parents

  1. Unfortunately, this roll-back is one of many that has occurred during this administration. Between DAPA, threats to DACA itself, travel bans, threats to pull federal funding from “sanctuary cities,” and closing relations with Cuba (once more), legislative decisions are making a laughingstock of “land of the free” or “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free.” This Champion of Democracy is quickly becoming one of the most inhospitable places for immigrants and refugees in the world.


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